Saturday, May 17, 2008

One Year...

O.k., so let's get real here.

Last Monday would have been my anniversary. And Tuesday was one year since he left for good. So I've had a lot to process this week.

Actually, when I think about how far God has brought me since last May, it feels like much more than a year has passed. At that time, I was still pretty confused about everything, still angry with God for not answering my fervent prayers, still holding on to some sort of hope, not wanting to let go or get over him or move on. In fact, I'm really quite amazed at how quickly my healing process progressed through the summer and beyond. I think a lot of that had to do with the amazing friends that God blessed me with during that difficult time. Our Friday night small group seems to have changed a bit over the last year or so - a lot more single folks now, interestingly enough - but it's still as awesome as ever. I honestly don't know what I would do without the friends that I've made at the Chinese Church. You guys rock!

Which is one reason why I was so excited to get away to the Smoky Mountains last weekend with a group of them: I got to share one of my favorite places with some of my favorite people. The trip was particularly significant for me, too, because it was the first time I've been back there since everything that happened last year, and one of only a few times I've been there without him. Maybe now my travel companions will better understand why I got a little emotional as I thanked them for accompanying me on this journey...

Well, anyway, there ya go. God is good. I still don't understand all of the why's, but I'm excited to get on with this adventure called life and to discover all that He still wants to do in and through me!


Lance Webel said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Jenn! It was great to be a part of that weekend too ... thanks for all that you did to make it possible!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey, Jenn, yesterday I was wondering about your anniversary. But I did get chance to talk to you. Maybe you can tell me more during out west trip.

Welcome to join the bloggers. It will be fun!

Jenn said...

Yingying - Yeah, I figured my cryptic allusion to the anniversary at group on Friday might confuse some of the newer folks, but I'm more than happy to fill you in, either during our trip or even before. And I'm so excited that you're going on that trip too! It should be awesome...