Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Stupid Materialism

Every year in early November, my mom starts asking for Christmas ideas. My brother struggles to think of anything he needs or wants, which is sometimes frustrating when trying to buy for him, but I never have any problem coming up with a long list of things I'd like to have. That's even more frustrating, though, because I never seem to be satisfied. And I hate it. I know that possessions are worthless, so why do I always seem to want more? Why do I envy friends with nicer homes, or furniture, or gadgets, or... whatever?

Compared to the general population, I'm quite good with my money: I've never NOT paid a credit card bill in its entirety, for example, and I do acually have a retirement account which is growing, if ever so slowly. But that's not really a good measure since the general population is just foolish when it comes to finances. I want to be a better saver, I want to be able to give more to the Great Commission... I want to not want more all the time.

Then along comes this silly Economic Stimulus check. What's up with that? I admit that I don't really understand the logic behind this plan, but maybe that's because I'm not planning to go buy a new HDTV just because the government throws a few hundred dollars my way. My IRA could use that money; my car insurance is due pretty soon; I have a bit of tithing to catch up on... Oh, I'll definitely use the money, don't get me wrong, but probably not in the way the powers-that-be are hoping. Sorry! (O.k., not really.) Still, I do have to admit that every now and then a pesky little thought emerges from the back of my mind: "Ooh, free money!" it says. "Think of all the cool stuff you could buy with that: clothes, a new cell phone, aerobars for your bike..." Stupid materialism.

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