Sunday, May 18, 2008


If you know me at all, you know I'm a big fan. Partially, I work out because I know it's good for me and it's a tool so that I don't have to worry so much about what I eat, but mostly it's just fun. Sure, there are days when I have to force myself to drive to the gym for a spinning class or an hour of swimming when I'd really rather just... well, play online, probably. But for the most part, when I'm biking with friends, or playing racquetball or soccer, I don't even realize I'm exercising. Or like last night, I was at a friend's house for a graduation dinner/party/get-together thing. After a delicious meal of steak, mashed potatoes, broccoli, salad, fresh-baked bread, cake, AND pie, we all went outside to play in the backyard. It was like being a kid again: making up games with wiffleball bats and tennis balls, tossing around a football, playing catch, stealing the neighbor kids' scooters... We must have been running around for a couple of hours, and I think we more than worked off all the calories we consumed. (Not to mention the amazing ab workout we got laughing while playing indoor games after it got dark...)

Yeah, so what's my point? I guess just that exercise should be fun. And I'm sad that some people still view it as work and something they dread rather than something they look forward to. How 'bout you? What have you found that you enjoy doing that also gets your heart pumping?

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