Friday, May 16, 2008


So, I got a note on my door yesterday afternoon telling me that our water would be turned off today. "We apologize for the inconvenience," it said. I just smiled. It actually made me happy, because suddenly I felt like I was back in China again, only there I wouldn't have had a day's notice. (I'm not sure if the water or electricity there would go out without anyone's knowledge, or if they just didn't see the need to tell us about such things, but either way, we just made sure to always be prepared with five or ten 2-liter bottles filled and stored away just in case.)

So this morning I filled a couple large stock pots in the kitchen for washing hands or dishes, or just whatever, and I filled the bathtub with water I could use to flush the toilet today. It's been fine. Fun, even. And I can't stop smiling now as I remember all the adventures I encountered during my two years in China... :)

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