Monday, May 19, 2008

Excessive Revelation

I have this terrible habit of disclosing far more information than is necessary. Obviously, honesty and openness are to be valued, but at what point does it become excessive?

I'd really appreciate feedback on this one, too, since this is definitely an area that I struggle with. For example: In your experience, what kinds of information have you received that you really would have preferred NOT to have been told? (I use the word "information," but I'm probably referring to more personal things like thoughts or feelings...) On the other hand, have there been times when you wished that you had received more information or received it sooner? And finally, if you've ever been in a situation where you were tempted to disclose something that you suspected would be better left unsaid, how did you restrain yourself?


Angela said...

So I'm guessing it might not be a good idea to mention the poop chart about now. :o)

Anonymous said...

oo ... we already know about the chart. brilliant, i must say!

Jenn said...

Lance, you don't know about the chart, do you? Now I'm confused...