Sunday, November 23, 2008

Good Beginning

So, ever since I started posting my crazy fortunes, I really look forward to getting my cookie after a nice Chinese lunch. And when I get a sort of normal one, I sometimes try again to see if I can find something stranger the second time around. Actually, it took me three tries this afternoon, but I ended up with this:

"Good beginning is half done."

Huh? Nice... :-)

Monday, November 17, 2008

Welcome Home!

Well, I suppose it's time to post some photos of my new place, especially for those of you who aren't on facebook. I'm all settled in and it really feels like home to me. I'm glad it's such a comfortable place, too, since I spent practically my entire weekend at home, sprawled out on the couch watching movies on T.V.... Stupid immobilizing cold. Anyway, the pictures!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Mary Sunshine

Let the blog war begin! :-)

Mary makes me feel comfortable.
I joined Queen City Wheels to challenge myself at the time trial every Tuesday. And I did. But I came and went each week without really talking to anyone, until I met Mary. Yup, she's the reason I started to feel like a part of the group.

Mary makes me smile.
She's just one of those people who is always pleasant to be around: she's friendly, and outgoing, and... happy. Even when she's complaining as we climb some steep hill, she's still smiling and you know that she's actually thrilled to be there. So it's hard not to be happy when you're with her!

Mary motivates me.
She is an ironman. Sure, she had to work hard to get there, as I'm sure all iron(wo)men do, but she did it! Twice! I never really had that as a goal before, but now I think I've got to try it... And she's so disciplined when it comes to training that she puts me to shame.

Mary challenges me.
She's faster than me. She's stronger than me. She may try to tell you that she's not, but the time trial doesn't lie. But, she makes me want to be faster and stronger. And I think I am already, thanks to her!

Mary encourages me.
She seems to bring out the best in people, and I think that encouragement if often the key. At least, it works for me! I definitely have more confidence because of her, and not just when it comes to biking.

Yup, I think we all need more Marys in our lives. Or maybe we all just need to be a little more Sunshine-y!

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Meeting people who are lost makes me realize how NOT lost I am, even though I've faced a lot of challenges the last few years. It breaks my heart to see their sadness, knowing that in Christ they could find peace...

This song by Kutless sums up my journey pretty well:

Incomplete it all began
The broken state that I was in
I wished that I was someone else
'Cause I was lost inside myself
I started seeing who I am
The day my life with you began
You clearly solved the mystery
That finding you meant finding me

God, I’ve fallen to my knees
I’m bowing at your feet
I give you all of me
In you I am complete
It’s all because of love
I’m not who I was
I’m who I meant to beI
n you I am complete

God who doesn’t need at all
I heard your voice I felt your call
It’s echoing I cannot shake you off
The stars that shine they bear your name
They sing the song that gives you praise
You’ve captured me
My heart is lifting off

God, I’ve fallen to my knees
I’m bowing at your feet
I give you all of me
In you I am complete
It’s all because of love
I’m not who I was
I’m who I meant to be
In you I am complete

I’ve got to tell the world about the things you’ve done
I want to shout it out, I'm gonna live it now
Amazing grace is why I’m singing

God, I’ve fallen to my knees
I’m bowing at your feet
I give you all of me
In you I am complete
It’s all because of love
I’m not who I was
I’m who I meant to be
In you I am complete