Monday, April 12, 2010

Good Morning, Girls!

In January, my BFF Beth emailed all the girls from our old college Bible study, asking if we'd be interested in starting up a long-distance, email-based accountability group. We would each do our own quiet times and then email the group to let everyone know what we'd learned, or what we were thinking or praying about. Everyone agreed that it was a fabulous idea, and in fact, the answer to a prayer. In college, I think we all took for granted how easy it was to walk with God together, but in the real world, it's often hard to connect with people and share with each other the deeper things that are going on in our lives.

It's been three months now since our "Good Morning Girls" group began, and I have to say, it's been a huge blessing! Yes, it's been awesome re-connecting with some of my favorite people, but even more than that, I'm thankful for the accountability. Honestly, it had been a long time time since I'd been faithful in spending time with God each day. And sure, sometimes it still feels like a chore, a task to cross off the old to-do list, but more often than not God rewards my effort with some neat new insight from his Word or just a sweet time of prayer with my true BFF.

Sometimes I write a lot to my girls - I'm sure their eyes widen when they open my message and find a novel. But I've found that I learn the most when I write out my thoughts on what I'd read or prayed. That is when it all really sinks in and settles into my soul. Sometimes I read my emails to Derek, too, and he always tells me how I should really be writing these thoughts in my blog. Which I've been meaning to do, almost since the Good Morning Girls got started. But then, I thought, I'd have to write an introduction to explain where these random postings are coming from... and so I never got around to it. Till tonight. 'Cause Derek told me AGAIN how I really should. So there ya go! Enjoy.

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