Monday, April 12, 2010


Today I decided to begin reading Acts again. Not sure why, just sat down and began reading there. But I wanted to be a little more deliberate in reading, so I chose a different translation than I'm used to - the ESV. (I find that I often just kind of skim over stuff I'm already familiar with in the NIV.)


Not a lot of new insight or anything, but one thing I noticed: when deciding whether Joseph (called Barsabbas) or Matthias should take Judas' place, the apostles prayed and then cast lots. I can't say I understand exactly how "casting lots" works, but I think it's kind of like flipping a coin, right? So it would perhaps appear to be luck or chance that chose Matthias, but we assume God's hand was behind it since they prayed first. Just kinda makes me wonder how much, if anything, in life is truly left to chance... I tend to think of some things as being pretty random (like a coin toss to begin a football game), just because I assume God doesn't really care how that turns out. But does he? I mean, he's big enough and omnipresent, so why couldn't he be concerned about everything all at once, from the most obviously important all the way to the seemingly trivial details of life? And then I think: He's probably interested and involved in every detail of MY life, too. Even the things that I think he wouldn't be concerned about, he probably is. And that makes me smile.

Then in chapter 2, I really like how the ESV has vs. 36: "Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified." Peter preached a pretty good sermon there, and about three thousand were saved that day! Can you imagine? To be a part of something so huge? To be there when the Spirit was so obviously in their presence? And how awesome that God used Peter in such a magnificent way so soon after he denied knowing or being with Jesus. Praise God for his forgiveness and the second chances he offers! And I wonder: How might he use me in the future? How honored I will be! I just pray I hear his calling or feel his prompting so I don't walk right past such opportunities.

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