Monday, May 17, 2010

Acts 10

This is kind of a hard chapter for me. I mean, it's pretty awesome how God spoke to both Peter and Cornelius to get them ready to meet and learn from one another, but I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of the Jews here, and it's tough. All their lives they've been told they can't associate with non-Jews, and then all of a sudden that changes? And so then I'm thinking about all the other ways people today claim that God's Word no longer applies to us: like how women can preach now, and homosexuality is o.k., and divorce is just a part of life. And it's such a struggle for me to justify why I believe that some of God's laws no longer apply while other do.

In this chapter, God clearly announces a change. With other issues, I think God's plan and desire clearly has NOT changed, even if our culture has, and those are the hardest things to discuss with non-believers or even believers who hold a different viewpoint on a very controversial topic. And then there are those areas where I'm just not sure what I think God wants us to do with His Word today.

In Acts 10:34-43, Peter shares the Good News with the Gentiles. He says: "God shows no partiality, but in every nation anyone who fears him and does what it right is acceptable to him." This is a good reminder that while God welcomes believers from every background, he still requires that we all "do what is right." We all come to him as sinners, but if our faith is real and we are truly seeking after Him, He will change us.

I guess right now I'm just praying that the Holy Spirit would to help me better understand God's Word and how it applies to our lives in our world today.

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