Sunday, August 9, 2009

Princeton Summer, Take 2

O.k., guess I’m long overdue for an update, eh?

Well, I’ve been out in Princeton for five weeks now, and I’ve actually been enjoying my time here a lot more this summer! See, I already knew a few people from last year, and my living situation is much more comfortable this time around. My first week out, I jumped right back into my workout routine from last summer: swimming with the masters’ swim team at the gym on Monday, track workout with the Princeton Intervals group on Tuesday, then I met up with my triathlete friend Tara on Wednesday for a ride and swim, and we ran together on Thursday as well… Good times, and just what I needed to get ready for the three races I had over my first four weeks out here (race updates coming soon). But now that those are done, I’m feeling a little lost and aimless. Of course, this is the first weekend I haven’t had something going on, so I guess it makes sense that I’m feeling a little lonely.

In other news... Derek came out a couple weeks ago for a visit, and we had a fantastic weekend. He lived in New Jersey his first three years in the Navy, so we drove up to where he was stationed and he showed me around. We took a nice, romantic stroll along the beach and had a delicious dinner in Atlantic Highlands. We both talked about how nice New Jersey can be and we agreed that we wouldn’t mind living here.

Of course, if you’ll recall, last summer when I came out for this internship with ETS, part of my purpose was to see if I could live here, if I wanted to apply for a full-time position with them or not. And I concluded that I just couldn’t do it, couldn’t move so far away from all my friends and family for a job, even if it was a job I’d love. And yet, now, thinking about moving out here with Derek, having a few more friends and realizing just how perfect the job would be for me, I think I could do it. I think I’d like it, in fact. Too bad when I came I was told that they actually didn’t have any positions open right now, for the first time in a long time. Hmm. But then something changed and all of a sudden they did need someone, and soon. They sent out a notice to all the interns, asking for resumes. I sent mine in and was soon scheduled for a two-hour screening test. Well, I guess I passed, because I’m now supposed to have two different interviews this coming week! Derek has started applying for jobs out here, too, and we’re both praying fervently for God’s direction in all of this.

If Derek found a good job in Cincinnati, that’d be ideal: I could keep doing my online scoring thing, we could just live in my condo, we already know the area and have good friends and a good church there… But it would also be kind of nice to start our life together in a new place, to choose a place to live together, to find a church together, etc., etc. So I’m really torn; I think I could really be happy either way. Of course, if we do end up moving, I’ll be busy planning a wedding, trying to sell my place, and getting ready for a move and a new job all at once, kind of like my brother just did! So anyway, guess I’m just putting all this out there to fill you all in on what’s been going on with us this summer, and to ask for your prayers about everything. If God wants us in New Jersey, I want him to make it painfully obvious to us.


Derek said...

God will direct our path....He's done it well so far.

Beth said...

Praying for you guys!