Sunday, April 5, 2009


Lots of things on my mind, but not much time to write. Here are a few teasers, but I'll try to elaborate soon on some of them...
  • I love the sound of deep, rolling thunder, and rain on my skylight.
  • My cat is stinkin' cute and often makes my smile. :-)
  • Twenty miles is a long way to run.
  • I'm thinking God really knew what he was doing with establishing a Sabbath.
  • Music speaks to my soul in a way few things can.
  • Creation is another, and I can't wait to soak it in next weekend.
  • I think I'm really gonna like dating. ;-)
  • When real life gets busy and fun, I find I don't spend as much time in this virtual world I've created to give my thoughts a place to play. But I also miss the intentional reflection it affords...

I'll be back. Sooner rather than later, I hope.

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