Monday, January 26, 2009


A month or so ago, I filled out the eHarmony personality profile thing, and now they keep sending me all these matches, guys they think I'm compatible with. But of the 200+ guys they've shown me, I've only found maybe 20 that sound interesting. Even then, though, I can't really respond to any of their communication requests without paying, and I just don't have the money for that right now. Plus, I'm also really skeptical about meeting people online, (although I do have a friend who just married a guy she met on eHarmony). They did have a free communication weekend at the beginning of January, and from that I actually started emailing one guy a bit. He sounded very nice, and smart, and we seemed to have a lot in common, but then he sent me his picture... And I can't say that I'm particularly attracted to him. Maybe I'm shallow, I don't know, or maybe I'm just coming to a realization: I think I'm more attracted to Asian guys these days. I guess it makes sense since most of my friends are Asian, but I was still a little surprised to realize this about myself. Unfortunately, I'm afraid this might limit me even more: even if I were to find a single, young-ish, tall-ish, Asian guy who loved God, had some musical ability and were as active as I am, I'm doubtful that he'd want to date a white girl. Hmm. Guess this'll be another lesson in trusting God.

1 comment:

~Jess~ said...

I can very much relate on this post...

But.. wanted to share you a date with my boyfriend and I ..

Indoor training session on the trainer.. you can bring your friends too...

Feb. 8th... 2-4... I will provide treats after.. at Mercy Health Plex in Cincinnati, 3131 Queen City Avenue... 10 dollar donation in support of the charity I am racing for at IMKY, GOTR. Additional donations greatfully accepted.

Will probably do a spinerval... looking for a great time!

Hope you and friends can come!

p.s. Love the schedule of races :)