Wednesday, December 17, 2008

17 Things

A friend of mine recently published a list of 17 random facts about herself on her blog, and invited others to do the same. So here are a few things you might not know about me...

  1. I generally prefer to read non-fiction than fiction. Sometimes Christian living books, sometimes linguistics books, most recently triathlon training books.
  2. I rarely drink hot beverages. I don't like coffee or tea, but even hot chocolate doesn't tempt me much: I tend to drink it too quickly and end up burning my tongue every time.
  3. As nice as back and shoulder massages are, I would almost always prefer a calf massage.
  4. I really want to adopt, maybe from China. I'd be open to having my own child as well, but I don't really feel the need to actually birth a baby myself.
  5. I like my feet. I think they're cute.
  6. I have scoliosis and had to wear a back brace from fourth through eighth grades. I had great posture at the time, but it only shows now when I sit to play piano.
  7. I seem to develop crushes easily, and apparently always have to like someone. So, if you're a guy, and you're my friend, and you're single, be careful. I'm just sayin'...
  8. I can't remember the last time I cried.
  9. I generally always prefer veggies to meat, but I only like meat on my pizza, no veggies, except maybe tomatoes.
  10. I've never been to Chicago, even though it's the closest big city. Guess I always choose to go to the mountains instead when I have some time (and money) to get away.
  11. It's been at least 25 years since I've thrown up.
  12. I seem to feel colder more often now than I did before living in Harbin, China. Crazy: I thought nothing would feel cold after the persistently sub-zero temperatures there.
  13. Noises bother me, especially loud ones. Like lots of kids screaming, or concerts, or beeping machines that other people don't even notice...
  14. I think I've changed exactly one diaper in my entire 30 years.
  15. I love traditions, especially around the holidays. I'm also excited to start some traditions of my own once I have a family, like running on Thanksgiving morning.
  16. I've never gotten into the habit of flossing every day. That's one of my New Year's resolutions.
  17. Ironically, 17 is my favorite number. I have no idea why, but I do like that it's prime.

Wanna play? Post a list of 17 random facts on your blog or facebook page, or send me a good old-fashioned email!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Oops, I remembered the last time I cried, and it wasn't actually that long ago. O.k., well maybe I just teared up a bit, but several times, as I was reading "Becoming an Ironman." (And, might I add, I highly recommend this collection of stories of numerous individuals' first encounters with this intense race.)

So, to replace #8 on my random list, a new fascinating tidbit: I have a thing for infomercials. I love to watch them, and have even been persuaded to buy things on multiple occasions, only some of which I later regretted...