Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have recently come to the conclusion that one of the qualities I find most attractive in a guy is the willingness to pursue his girl.

Maybe it's just me: Maybe I'm overly insecure and need the affirmation. Maybe I don't know what I want and am easily persuaded. Maybe I'm desperate...

But I don't think so.

In fact, I have several very good girlfriends who weren't particularly interested in their now-husbands or boyfriends, but who were won over by their wooing. And I'm probably no different.

I can't say for sure, because I've rarely been pursued in my 30 years, but I'm thinking that I could easily fall for a guy who puts himself out there, who isn't afraid to make the first move, who pursues me. Guess we'll have to wait and see about that, though. That is, if I can guard my heart and be patient enough to not make up mind prematurely...


Beth said...

Yea, being pursued is nice..... I was pursued, yet look where it got me.............. Even after you are with someone, you still need to be pursued! We can be sure that God is in control though.

Angela said...

Yes, I agree Beth. The longing to be pursued never goes away. Christ longs for us to pursue Him in the same way. I'm learning about my desire to be pursued in the book "Captivating". Jenn, I know you already read the book.

I didn't necessarily feel pursued before getting married and I wish I did. I am happily married, don't get me wrong, I just wish I would have felt more pursued in the beginning. Anyway, I'm rambling. :o)

Mary Sunshine said...

I think you have every right to be true to what you really want. Don't settle for anything less. Remember, you are the WHOLE PACKAGE!!

Thanks for the elevation chart and all the encouragement! See ya tomorrow!