Monday, January 26, 2009


A month or so ago, I filled out the eHarmony personality profile thing, and now they keep sending me all these matches, guys they think I'm compatible with. But of the 200+ guys they've shown me, I've only found maybe 20 that sound interesting. Even then, though, I can't really respond to any of their communication requests without paying, and I just don't have the money for that right now. Plus, I'm also really skeptical about meeting people online, (although I do have a friend who just married a guy she met on eHarmony). They did have a free communication weekend at the beginning of January, and from that I actually started emailing one guy a bit. He sounded very nice, and smart, and we seemed to have a lot in common, but then he sent me his picture... And I can't say that I'm particularly attracted to him. Maybe I'm shallow, I don't know, or maybe I'm just coming to a realization: I think I'm more attracted to Asian guys these days. I guess it makes sense since most of my friends are Asian, but I was still a little surprised to realize this about myself. Unfortunately, I'm afraid this might limit me even more: even if I were to find a single, young-ish, tall-ish, Asian guy who loved God, had some musical ability and were as active as I am, I'm doubtful that he'd want to date a white girl. Hmm. Guess this'll be another lesson in trusting God.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Everything's Funner with Friends

I have to be honest: I love it when my student cancels his lesson on Wednesday nights. 'Cause that's usually when some friends are cycling, and then I can join them! On warmer days, we do the Wednesday Night Hill Ride out of Team Cycling, but when it's too cold for that, we opt for trainers in someone's living room. Well, last night we made it a ladies' night, swapping the usual BigDave for his better half. I mean, sure, I could have saved at least an hour-and-a-half if I'd have just set the thing up at home, (and then I probably wouldn't have been up until the wee hours of the morning getting songs ready for worship practice,) but it was way funner riding with friends! (And yes, I know that "funner" is not a word, but it's just funner than saying "more fun!") Here's a pic of the three of us: Mrs. BigDave, Mary Sunshine, and me. Yay!

Friday, January 9, 2009

2009 Race Schedule

This is by no means set in stone, but after looking through various race websites and my own calendar, this is my tentative race schedule for 2009:

March 29 - Heart Mini Marathon (15K)
May 3 - Flying Pig Marathon (half or full, we'll see)
May 17 - Tri for Joe (?)
June 7 - State Time Trial Championship (OR Deer Creek Triathlon?)
July 5 - Caesar Creek Triathlon (olympic)
August 1 - Steelhead Ironman 70.3 (half iron)
August 23 - Breat Buckeye Challenge Triathlon (oly)
September 6 - Portage Lakes Triathlon (sprint?)
September 27 - Toyota Challenge at Deer Creek Triathlon (oly)

Other biking events:
BDBC's Cross State Record Ride (Cincinnati to Toledo) - practice March 28?, actual attempt June? July?
QCW's Cleves Time Trial Series - every Tuesday May-September
QCW's 40K Time Trial Series - second Saturday March-June
CCC's Spring Opener - April 18
CCC's BCBCBC Ride - August 22
CCC's GGRR - October 3