Sunday, August 31, 2008

Interview Me

O.k., so my cool friend Kim did this blog interview thing, which sounded like fun. So let's play! Here are the rules:
01. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
02. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
03. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
04. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
05. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And so on and so on and so on.

And here are my answers to the questions Kim asked me:

1. If someone wanted to make a movie of your life, what would it be about and who would play you?
Uh, it'd probably be about my life, duh. Just kidding... But more specifically? I guess it'd be a drama, with an underlying theme of overcoming adversity. And who'd play me? Well, it's a toss up between Drew Barrymore and Jennifer Garner. What do you think?

2. What do you hope your next relationship will consist of?
Lots and lots of honesty, first and foremost. And spiritual intimacy as well as all the other varieties, like it'd be nice to serve in ministry together. And there should be plenty of action and adventure; for example, backpacking, triathloning, traveling, etc. Oh, and definitely unquestionable commitment, that'd be nice. :-)

3. What instruments do you play and what does it mean to you?
Piano, trumpet, percussion instruments (of the marching band variety), guitar, and a little bass most recently. I must admit that I don't really understand the second part of your question, but I'll answer as best I can... I began taking piano lessons when I was about 5 or 6, and music has been a huge part of my life ever since. When I moved away from home for college, I taught myself guitar because I no longer had a piano, and now worshiping in song is one of the ways I feel closest to God.

4. What three top things would you want to do before you die?
Travel. (Specific places I want to visit include Italy, Peru, Egypt, Cambodia, and more of China.) Get married (again and for good) and have a family (which I would like to include adopting a baby from China). And... I can't think of a third right now, sorry.

5. If you had to visit Michigan, what would you want to do?
You mean, if I GET to visit Michigan! I don't really know, though; I just want to see you! But fun fall-y things are nice, like maybe hiking? I don't know what there is to do up there, though, so I'll leave it to your discretion. :-)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Coming Home!

Well, I made it! My two months in Princeton are up, and I'm heading back to Cincinnati tomorrow. It's gone quickly, and I've had fun, but I'm also excited to come home.

What I'm Most Looking Forward To
10. Not having to get ready or dressed up for work
9. Not having to make small talk as soon as I get up or get home
8. Not having a curfew (in effect)
7. Playing guitar (and maybe piano) again
6. Being able to check my email at home rather than at the hospital
5. Cooking rather than eating out or eating frozen dinners every day
4. Getting back into yoga and racquetball and soccer
3. My sweet, soft kitty :-)
2. Sunday worship and Friday night Bible study
1. My awesome friends!

What I'm Actually Going to Miss
(So I couldn't come up with 10, but this is still not too shabby!)
6. How close everything is
5. The slightly cooler temperatures
4. Having regular work hours and pay
3. Having minimal expenses (I know: In Princeton?!? But yeah!)
2. Training with a cool running group and masters swim team
1. The new friends I've made...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Olympic Excitement

O.k., I gotta admit that I've become rather addicted to the Olympics this year. I mean, sure, I've watched them before, but never with such dedication. Which has actually been quite a challenge since I don't really have a T.V. here... But it's worked out all right. Though I'm sad to see them end.

Still, there are certain "sports" which I just find amusing, too. Like fencing. And the "modern" pentathlon. What's up with that? And synchronized swimming. Beautiful, sure, but odd, no? And walking? When did that become an Olympic competition? So, what do you think are the strangest events, in either summer or winter Olympic Games?

Well, anyway, I just wanted to share this fantastic collection of Olympic photos with you all. Check 'em out if you haven't already. Makes me want to be a photographer... Oh, and enjoy the closing ceremony tonight!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Keepin' Busy

Wow! Where've I been?

Well, in addition to working, I've been having a little fun here in Princeton. Meeting some people, watching some Olympics... You know.

Yeah, so I've made a good friend in my neighbor Debbie. (In fact, I'm sitting in her house right now typing this, with her sweet cat to keep me company.) And I've found a couple of really neat groups of athletes to train with. There's a cycling club out here I've been riding with once a week or so. And on one of those rides I met a girl who told me about this running group that does track workouts every Tuesday and longer runs on Thursdays. There's a coach guy that volunteers his time to help other runners since he can't run much anymore, so it's free for us to come out and be on this makeshift track team. (Which is cool, 'cause a couple months ago when I helped a friend out with his school's track meet, I remember thinking, "I wanna be on a track team!" and now I kind of am. Even if it's just for a couple of weeks... ) And finally, some of the runners I met also do this master's swim class thing at a local fitness club, which I checked out last week. And it was awesome, let me tell you what! I used to just jump in the pool and swim for an hour or so, but that's not necessarily smart training. These workouts are probably more strategic, and are really just more fun 'cause they mix things up. Plus you get to do it with friends, which is just cool.

So, yeah. I'm gonna miss Princeton...

But I'm also really looking forward to coming home. :-) See you guys soon! (Aug. 30th...)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Central New Jersey Triathlon

For those of you who can't exactly picture what the transition area at these races looks like, here's a pic. But keep in mind: even though it looks crazy huge, this is really only about a quarter of the entire area!

And this is how you set up all your stuff, usually on a small towel under or next to your bike, which is propped up on those pole racks. Just FYI: You're assigned to a particular rack based on your race number, but you can put your bike anywhere along there where it fits. Obviously, it's best to be closest to the inside aisle, though, so you don't have as far to run or as many other people to maneuver through in transition. So, get there early! (Mine's the third bike there on the rack.)

And for anyone interested (or just for my own personal records later), my times at the triathlon last weekend were as follows:

My overall time was 2:55:08, which was 476th out of the 739 total competitors in the olympic distance triathlon.
I was 135th out of 265 women in the race.
In my age group, I was 22nd out of 38.

My swim (1500 yards) took 32:44, which was 379th overall.
My first transition was 3:08.
My bike (24 miles) took 1:10:16, which was 343rd overall. I averaged 19.8 mph.
My second transition was 1:54.
My run (10 km) took 1:07:08, which was 602nd overall. I averaged 10:50 min/mi.